One thing that’s been pis*ing me off for a while now…

So, I’ve been without internet for about 4 weeks now due to a fault in the flat, so when I’m on break and I’ve done everything for university I like to take a quick look at Facebook to see what my friends have been up to, since I live about 100 miles from most of them now, and to possibly find a funny video, I’m rather enjoying the Unexpected Cena posts (if you don’t know what that is, I’d suggest looking it up – it is hilarious), but instead there’s a post, obviously made up that went along the lines of:

“A woman went to her doctors and she says  ‘Doctor please help me, I had a baby last year and I’m pregnant again and it’ll be too much to look after two right now, I’d like an abortion’ and apparently this doctor turns to her and he replies ‘Abortions are dangerous so why don’t we just kill the baby that’s already born?’ To which she replies ‘That’s awful, that’s murder, you can’t do that!’ He replies something along the lines of well there’s no difference in the two so I thought I’d just try what’s safer.”

Three major problems in this.

  1. If my doctor spoke to me like that I’d sue his arse, a real doctor cannot speak to you like that, his ethics are not allowed to cloud his judgement, if so a doctor who is a Jehovah’s Witness could refuse a patient a blood transfer, which obviously doesn’t happen.
  2. Looking at the statistics: “Dr. Elizabeth Raymond from Gynuity Health Projects in New York City and Dr. David Grimes of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, found that between 1998 and 2005, one woman died during childbirth for every 11,000 or so babies born.  They compared to one woman of every 167,000 who died from a legal abortion.” So having a child is definitely not safer.
  3. These people that post this sh*t all over social media, preaching Bible quotes left, right and centre, they could not care less if a woman is struggling with a new born, just as long as you didn’t abort it, they don’t care if you’re eating next to nothing with a child that you don’t have the means to pay for, they don’t care if you are left feeling emotionally scarred from giving your child away- they do not care the moment the child is not at risk of abortion.

I have nothing against religion, everybody should be free to practice what they believe and that is a human right, but so is every woman having complete control over her own body. We do not live in caves anymore and women are more than just a means of reproduction, if someone is not in the right frame of mind to have a child, they should not be forced. If someone doesn’t want a child and accidentally ends up pregnant (news flash to all you people saying that having a child should be punishment for getting pregnant and not using contraception – not one form of contraception is 100% guaranteed, so shut up and sit down) and another point, there is absolutely no lack of children waiting to be adopted, infact so many children are being put into the system that not enough are being adopted. If there is no difference between a unborn child and a newborn, what is the difference between adopting a newborn and a five year old? Did you know that there are 102,000 children waiting to be adopted in the US, and 69,540 in the UK? I’m sure if everyone claiming that they wanted to adopt a child to love, just wanted a child and not to just get a newborn then that’s your solution, adopt a child that is already in the system and leave other people to decide what is best for them.

Statistics and information from:

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